Sunday, January 9, 2011

Different types of sickle cell

Words to know for this post: Hemoglobin-protein that carries oxygen. Homozygous-same trait/gene passed (i.e. SS). Heterozygous-different gene/trait passed (i.e. SC)

Hello and good health to everybody! As you guys know, I want feedback in the form of comments, suggestions, and questions. You decide what I provide :). Proceeding with that mantra, a reader wanted to know if there were different types of sickle cell and if so what were they?............Hmmmm....what do you guys think? Actually there are different types of sickle cell. There is sickle cell hemoglobin SS, which is considered homozygous (big word for the same trait passed). This is the type that I have. A parent has two genes for hemoglobin. Regular hemoglobin is represented by the letter "A". Abnormal hemoglobin is represented by "S", "C", or "beta-plus thalassemeia". To have sickle cell disease, a person has to have two abnormal hemoglobin genes (one passed from each parent), so those are the three types>> SS, SC, and SBeta-plus thalassemia. In each of these cases, their parents both passed on the abnormal hemoglobin gene. This is why early testing is so important. Get yourself and your mate tested to see if you guys have sickle cell trait (represented by one normal hemoglobin gene "A", and one of the abnormal hemoglobin genes) to find out if it is possible for you to pass on an abnormal hemoglobin gene to your child and risking them having this disease. Remember, education is key; knowledge is power! Feel free to ask any questions that may still remain after reading this post and I'll be sure to further explain :). Coming to you straight from the sickle soldier.

-"Break the sickle cycle"


  1. I am glad your are doing this Jasmine, it is truly needed!


  3. Thank you for your support. And yes it is needed so we as sicklers need to provide it for ourselves if no one else is willing.

    Terran thanks for reading, you're always such an avid supporter. I'm going to your link now to check it out :)

    -SCD Soldier
